the human zoo

rotoscope animation 


The goal of this project was to create a rotoscope animation using Procreate and Adobe Premiere Pro. 


adobe premiere pro procreate






I began by drawing out a simple storyboard on Procreate to figure out what type of visuals that I wanted for this project. I initially wanted the animation to depict the random things that people do while in a phone call. I also wanted to include a funny element to the animation by revealing that the person was on the phone with a monkey the entire time. However, while animating it I decided to change the ending and reveal that the person on the phone was actually being watched by a monkey through a glass wall, like how we watch animals at the zoo. 

rotoscope footage

This is the footage that I gathered for the movements that I wanted for my animation. I downloaded clips from Youtube and Tiktok and assembled them on Adobe Premiere Pro. 


This is the animatic that I made to get a feel for the timing of the visuals and sounds that I wanted for the animation. I drew out some very simple sketches on Procreate and then assembled it using Adobe Premiere Pro.

final steps

After finalizing the rotoscoped footage on Procreate, I assembled the clips together using Adobe Premiere Pro. I added some simple effects and transitions into the project including scale, position, and dip to black. 


I learned a lot about the rotoscoping process and the importance of planning especially when it comes to rotoscope animations. If I were to redo this project, I would definitely spend more time in the early planning process. Because I decided to change my idea halfway into the project, I had to redo a lot of the animations and find new footage that better fit the new concept. However, I now have a better understanding of how to approach future rotoscope animations in a more efficient manner.